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Back to Basics: Berry Banana Smoothie

Ever the creature of habit, after several weeks of oatmeal everyday I am back on a smoothie kick. I thought I would share one of my favorites. I make this one most of the time, my other favorite is a workout-recovery smoothie that I will share another time. I make my Berry Banana Smoothie with a few simple ingredients. It is dairy and juice free.

In order to make one you will need:

  • -A Blender
  • -1-1.5 cups of Fresh or frozen berries - I like a mix of blueberry, raspberry and marionberry
  • -A Banana
  • -1/4 to a 1/3 cup water
  • -Ice (only if using fresh berries)
  • -A handful of fresh Spinach - trust me
Put the water and banana in the blender and liquify.* Add the spinach and blend for 15 seconds. Note the beautiful green color. Add the berries a quarter cup at a time, blending after each addition for 30 seconds. Once you've mixed it all together it should be a deep reddish purple color and you'll completely forget that spinach is part of the mix.

Spinach is rich in many nutrients including iron and calcium and sticking it in your smoothie is a great way to add a serving of greens without thinking about it. The banana is key for masking any leafy green taste that might exist. I will note that if you freeze your smoothie and save it for later, when it unthaws it might have a slight "Alfalfa-y" smell. I've never been a big fan of dairy in fruit smoothies and the creaminess of the banana pulls it all together without the lactose. It might just be me, but I think it tastes best through a straw. Enjoy!

*This makes a great beverage by itself for before a long run or strenuous workout. Try one and a half mixed with a cup and a half of water.


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