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The King's Speech

Last Saturday I went to see the much talked about drama The King's Speech. Today it was nominated for 12 Academy Awards and I must say, I think they are well deserved. I'm not one to get excited about just any historical movie about the House of Windsor, but I found the film to be very entertaining and quite a compelling story. So often we think of the powerful people of history in terms of their strengths, but The King's Speech illustrates the fact that as hard as it is for us to believe, these figures are human.

The best, most surprising thing about the film was how funny it was. We laughed through the whole thing. It also walked that very fine line between sentiment and schmaltz very successfully. Being a long time Colin Firth fan I thought this was a great role for him and was very happy to see him nominated for an Oscar for the performance. Last, but not least, it was great to see Helena Bonham Carter in a role that did not rely heavily on scary makeup (i.e. Fight Club, Planet of the Apes, Harry Potter, Sweeney Todd, Alice in Wonderland...).

Check it out if you haven't already!


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