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That's enough, Lady Gaga

The first time I heard of Lady Gaga, I am ashamed to say, was a couple of years ago while channel surfing when I landed on an episode of The Hills. She was an unknown back then and had recently been signed by Interscope Records and the company obviously partnered with Kelly Cutrone and the Hills folks to promote her. My first thought was "Ick. What a name." It was a foregone conclusion that "musicians" who debut on (non-performance based) reality tv never achieve legitimate stardom. Oh wait.

Turns out Lady Gaga is actually quite the legit musician. I definitely love a little pop music now but I didn't immediately fall into the Gaga obsession. Eventually it wore me down. As an acquaintance of mine stated "If you are of our generation and aren't a little bit into Lady Gaga you probably don't have a pulse." Fair enough. But then there's the fashion. I have generally found Gaga's fashion to be, (pardon the pun) gag-inducing. The colors, textures, overexposed skin all just kind of gives me the creeps.

Obviously when the VMAs happened and she showed up in her meat dress I thought: of course. This is just gross. Think about it. Homegirl sat on a a bunch of steak all night long. Steak on her hair, cold animal flesh on her hips and everywhere else. I really don't object to the dress on any moral grounds. To a certain extent, I feel that animal products are animal products and at the end of the day it's no different from leather. I guess what I really want to know is this:

When does fashion stop being fashion and just start being mental illness?


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